We have the privilege of working with local, regional and national associations. Our clients engage us in a number of ways – whether full service, turnkey management or specific project based management, we view our clients as partners and work collaboratively with them to achieve results. Click here to view client testimonials.
The American Glovebox Society (AGS) is a non-profit organization formed in Denver, Colorado, in 1986 to promote safety and quality of glovebox systems; promote communication; disseminate knowledge in the field of glovebox technology through symposia, publications and other media; and recommend standards
and guidelines for glovebox technology to existing national and international associations, and promote adoption of such approved standards to reduce costs, both fabrication and operational. The definition of a "glovebox" as used by the Society includes enclosures, barriers, and isolators. Visit AGS: GloveboxSociety.org
Arizona Professional Land Surveyors (APLS) represents over 500 members throughout the State of Arizona and is recognized as the voice of the Arizona land surveying profession. APLS advocates the establishment and compliance to professional standards while promoting the ethical practices of land surveying. APLS works to enhance the lives and careers of all professional surveyors and educates the public of the important role we play in our communities. Visit APLS: AzPLS.org
Land Surveyors Association of Washington (LSAW) is a professional organization representing over 1500 individuals practicing in the various disciplines of surveying. LSAW provides a means to keep our members informed of changes in laws, regulations, and rapidly changing technology. We work together to protect the principles and practices upon which surveying was founded. Visit LSAW: LSAW.org
The Nevada Association of Land Surveyors (NALS) promotes the common good and welfare of members in their activities as Land Surveyors; promotes and maintains the highest possible standards of professional ethics and practice; promotes professional uniformity; and promotes public awareness and trust in Professional Land Surveyors and their work.
Visit NALS: NVLandSurveyors.org
The Nevada Land Surveyors Education Foundation is a 501(c)(3) charitable foundation incorporated to provide scholarship aid and financial support for students pursuing a career in land surveying; to provide financial support to educational institutions.
The Western Federation of Professional Surveyors (WFPS)is a regional non-profit organization composed of Land Surveyor associations representing the 13 western states, including Alaska and Hawaii. Formed in 1979, WFPS is dedicated to education, fostering common goals within the western states and providing a regional voice at the national level. WFPS acts as a clearinghouse for interstate communication and sponsors a biennial conference for Surveyors. Visit WFPS: WFPS.org